
Jobs represent some work packaged up in a function that the application has to execute but it's not necessary to hold up the response to the user. Just like middleware, jobs are bound to a Request or a Response and utilize the same argument system as middleware.

We have 3 types of jobs based on their behaviour. This is necessary to have an optimal way of using our resources.

  • Job
    • Future that does not block and does not perform any significant intensive work . It is queued on the regular tokio runtime.
    • CpuBound is a type of function that would do heavy computation and does not benefit from the tokio runtime. We would execute those on the Rayon runtime that is optimized for that.
    • IOBlocking is suitable for various kinds of IO operations that cannot be performed asynchronously. It is executed on a separate tokio blocking threads.

While i recommend using the macros. If you really want to, you could implement the Job factory request and response traits.

fn main() {
pub enum Job<T = ()> {

pub struct FutureJob<T = ()>(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send>>);
pub struct CpuJob<T = ()>(Box<dyn FnOnce() -> T + Send>);
pub struct IOBlockingJob<T = ()>(Box<dyn FnOnce() -> T + Send>);


Few short examples.

fn main() {
async fn first_async_job() -> FutureJob {
  async { println!("first job in the background.") }.into()

// blocking here is ok!

fn main() {
async fn first_sync_job(#[response] r: &Response<Body>) -> IOBlockingJob {
  let status_code = r.status();
  let job = move || {
      "first_sync_job in the background for a request with status {}",

fn main() {
async fn my_heavy_computation() -> CpuJob {
  let job = || {
    for _ in 0..100 {
      let mut r = 0;
      for _ in 0..10000000 {
        r += 1;
      println!("my_heavy_computation runs in the background. {}", r);